Tax Appointment Checklist

Personal information –

    • Last year’s income tax return if you are a new client
    • Name, address, Social Security number and Dates of Birth for yourself, spouse and dependents
    • Dependent Care Provider, Name, Address, Tax ID or S.S.N.
    • Banking information if Direct Deposit/Direct Debit Requested
    • Copy of all Driver’s Licenses, front and back

Income Data Required –

    • Wages (W-2 forms) and/or Unemployment (1099-G)
    • Interest (1099-INT) and/or Dividend Income (1099-DIV)
    • State/Local income tax refund
    • Social Security Income (SSA-1099)
    • IRA, Pension and or Annuity distributions (1099-R)
    • Stocks and/or Bonds Sales
    • S Corp/Partnership/Trust/Estate Income (K-1)
    • Gambling/Lottery Winnings and Losses/Prizes/Bonus (W-2G)
    • Alimony Income
    • Rental Income
    • Self Employment/Tips
    • Farming Income
    • Foreign Income

Expense Data Required –

  • Dependent Care Costs
  • Education/Tuition Costs/Materials Purchased (1098-T)
  • Medical/Dental, including health insurance and long term care contracts
  • Mortgage/Home Equity Loan Interest/Mortgage Insurance (1098)
  • Employment Related Expenses
  • Gambling/Lottery Expenses
  • Tax Return Preparation Expenses
  • Investment Expenses
  • Real Estate Taxes
  • Estimated Tax Payments to Federal and State Government and Dates Paid
  • Home Property Taxes
  • Charitable Contributions Cash/Non-Cash
  • Purchase qualifying for Residential Energy Credit
  • IRA Contributions/Retirement Contributions
  • Home Purchase/Moving Expenses
  • Health Savings Account (1099-SA)
  • Rental property expenses

Printable Stuff:

Tax Year 2018 Questionnaire

Tax Appointment Checklist

Tax Organizer